Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
We participate in a Funding Opportunities Working Group. This page is a collection of current funding opportunities across Illinois.
- Apprenticeship Expansion Competitive Grant Program (Notice of Funding Opportunity 3523-2970)
- Description: “The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (the “Department” or “DCEO”) is issuing this Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) to establish high-impact apprenticeship intermediaries focused on expanding Registered Apprenticeship Programs throughout the State of Illinois.”
- Eligibility: “Eligible applicants for the Illinois Apprenticeship Expansion Program include Community-based organizations, municipalities, education institutions (i.e. school districts, community colleges), industry associations, state-agencies, workforce boards, and non-profits who will perform the duties of a high-impact intermediary as outlined above. Applicants must have the capacity to meet the program requirements outlined in this NOFO.”
- Award Range: $200,000 - $1,000,000
- Deadline: March 21, 2025 at 11:59pm
- Apprenticeship Expansion Competitive Grant Program (Notice of Funding Opportunity 3523-2970)
- Internship & Workforce Upskilling Program for Small and Mid-sized Manufacturers (Notice of Funding Opportunity 3539-2979)
- Description: “…to provide funding for programs aimed at supporting small and medium sized manufacturers address workforce attraction and retention challenges.”
- Eligibility:
- 1. A Nonprofit Organization
- 2. Serves as the U.S Department of Commerce Manufacturing Extension Partnership Center for Illinois
- Award Range: $2,600,000
- Deadline: March 24, 2025 at 5:00pm
- Internship & Workforce Upskilling Program for Small and Mid-sized Manufacturers (Notice of Funding Opportunity 3539-2979)
- Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant Program (Notice of Funding Opportunity 2160-2940)
- Description: “…to businesses owned by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (SEDI) or very small businesses (VSBs)1 to support small business capital improvement projects. This program will offer small business grants across the state to help eligible businesses achieve sustainable growth, improve efficiency, and create and retain jobs.”
- Eligibility:
- “Businesses owned by Socially Economically Disadvantaged Individuals (SEDI) with a maximum of 25 full-time permanent employees
- Very Small Businesses (VSBs), businesses with less than 10 employees”
- Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant Program (Notice of Funding Opportunity 2160-2940)
Note: All applicants must be prequalified to apply (register with, GATA, etc.)
- Award Range: $10,000 - $245,000
- Deadline: April 7, 2025 at 5:00pm
- Illinois Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program (IDEC) (Notice of Funding Opportunity 3522-2972)
- Description: “The Illinois Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program will empower and equip individuals and communities with the skills, resources, and confidence they need to use the internet to fully participate in Illinois’ modern society and economy.”
- Eligibility: “Eligible Applicants include: 1. A political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of a State, including an agency of a State that is responsible for administering or supervising adult education and literacy activities, or for providing public housing, in the State. 2. An Indian Tribe, an Alaska Native entity, or a Native Hawaiian organization. 3. A foundation, corporation, institution, or association that is: a. a not-for-profit entity; and b. not a school. 4. A community anchor institution, meaning a public school, a public or multi-family housing authority, a library, a medical or healthcare provider, a community college or other institution of higher education, a State or Territory library agency, and any other nonprofit or governmental community support organization. 5. A local educational agency. 6. An entity that carries out a workforce development program. 7. A partnership between any of the entities described in paragraphs (1) through (6). 8. A partnership between[1]a. an entity described in any of paragraphs (1) through (6); and b. an entity that the Assistant Secretary, by rule, determines to be in the public interest; and is not a school.”
- Award Range: $90,000 - $900,000
- Deadline: May 8, 2025 at 5:00PM
- Illinois Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program (IDEC) (Notice of Funding Opportunity 3522-2972)
- Illinois Grocery Initiative - Equipment Upgrade Program (Round 2) (Notice of Funding Opportunity 3295-2956)
- Description: “The Illinois Grocery Initiative Equipment Upgrades Program, authorized by Public Act 103-0561, will provide grants for new energy-efficient equipment upgrades for existing independently-owned for-profit grocery stores, cooperative grocery stores, or not-for-profit grocery stores.” “DCEO has contracted with Chicago State University (CSU) and Western Illinois University (WIU) to provide technical assistance services for Illinois Grocery Initiative applicants and grantees.” (page 1-2 of NOFO). There is a matching component please read the NOFO.
- Eligibility includes:
- “Grants will be limited to projects making energy-efficient investments in existing bricks[1]and-mortar operations in Illinois.
- This grant opportunity will be limited to independently-owned grocers or cooperatives with fewer than 500 employees and no more than 4 grocery stores.
- Grocery locations must be consistent with the following to be eligible:
- The store is or will be classified as a supermarket or other grocery retailer in the 2022 North American Industry Classification System under code 445110, a meat retailer under code 44524, a fruit and vegetable retailer under code 44523, or a fish and seafood retailer under 44525.
- The store cannot derive more than 30% of its revenue from alcohol and tobacco sales.
- The store must accept or will accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children benefits.
- The store must contribute to diversity of fresh foods available in the community by selling fresh foods such as meats, fruits and vegetables that have not been processed in any manner”
- Award Range: $25,000 - $250,000
- Deadline: December 15, 2025 at 5:00PM or until funds are exhausted (applications accepted on rolling basis)
- Clean Energy Career Pathway Program
- Description: “The Clean Energy Career Pathway Program will provide funding directly to eligible recipients to support the planning and implementation of a Clean Energy Career Pathway. Programs will include coursework, field experiences, and work-based learning designed to prepare students for entrance into careers focusing on clean energy. To ensure equitable pathways for students, this funding opportunity seeks qualified, eligible entities working with secondary school students in partnership with Local Workforce Innovation Areas and institutions of higher education. This program will recruit students into clean energy fields (with a priority for EV occupations) and create pathways encompassing technical and employability skills with dual credit options.”
- Eligibility Includes: “Eligible entities for this NOFO are defined as Regional Offices of Education (ROEs); Intermediate Service Centers (ISCs); state institutions of higher education; schools designated as laboratory schools, public university laboratory schools approved by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE); area vocational centers; charter schools; cooperatives and other joint agreements with a governing body or board of control; schools operated by an ROE, ISC, or state agency; and school districts eligible applicants include, but are not limited to industry associations, Regional Offices of Education (ROEs); Intermediate Service Centers (ISCs); community-based organizations, including faith-based organizations; or Indian tribes or tribal organizations (as defined in the federal Indian Self[1]Determination and Education Assistance Act). Entities that are approved shall be responsible for ensuring that they have facilities available and educators who are appropriately trained on use of any technologies or devices acquired for the purposes of the grant. Collaborative applications will be accepted. Eligible Applicants must partner with a Community College, a Local Workforce Innovation Area, and employers to pilot clean the energy pathway programs.”
- Award Range: $250,000 - $750,000
- Deadline: June 30, 2025 at 5:00pm
- Illinois Grocery Initiative - Equipment Upgrade Program (Round 2) (Notice of Funding Opportunity 3295-2956)
- For a complete list of DCEO grants, please visit our website.
- Additional DCEO funding
- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Description: “Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to support income eligible households with utility costs. LIHEAP will begin accepting applications on October 1, 2024, through August 15, 2025, or until funds are exhausted.”
- Deadline: August 15, 2025
- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Additional State of Illinois
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency - Energy Efficiency Assessment Program
- Description: “The Energy Efficiency Assessment Program provides funding to public housing authorities, local governments, or nonprofit organizations to conduct energy efficiency assessments at properties benefiting residents receiving housing assistance from a state or federal program.”
- Award Range: $5,000 to $25,000
- Deadline: No specified due date. Note this has been open for a while.
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency - Energy Efficiency Assessment Program
- Illinois Department of Human Services: Division of Developmental Disabilities – Latino Outreach
- Description: “The Latino Outreach program is meant to provide outreach, engagement, support, resources, and referrals to Latino/Hispanic individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families.”
- Award Range: up to $165,000
- Deadline: March 21, 2025 at 5:00pm
- Illinois Department of Human Services: Division of Developmental Disabilities – Latino Outreach
- Illinois Treasurer’s Office Charitable Trust Grant
- Description: “Charitable Trust is intended to help small non-profits with annual budgets of $1 million or less and a full-time employee. Grant applicants located in an area where pervasive poverty, unemployment, and economic distress exist will be given special attention.” “The Spring 2024 Grant Cycle, running from January 1 – March 31, will award grants to non-profit charitable programs in two categories: Food and Housing.” Open statewide
- Award Range: up to $20,000
- Deadline: March 31 2025
- Illinois Treasurer’s Office Charitable Trust Grant
- Capital Development Board
- Title: Repair/Replace Roofing System
- Description: Seeking vendor for repair/replace roofing system at Sheridan Correctional Center in Princeton, IL.
- Deadline: April 1, 2025 at 11:00am
- Title: Renovation at Library/Administration Building, Roadway & Parking Lot Resurfacing
- Description: Seeking vendor for Renovation at Library/Administration Building, Roadway & Parking Lot Resurfacing in East Peoria, IL.
- Deadline: April 15, 2025 at 11:00am
- Federal Government
- National Endowment for the Arts - Notice of Funding Opportunity: FY 26 Challenge America
- Description: “Challenge America supports projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved groups/communities. The program welcomes applications from applicants that are primarily small organizations, first-time applicants to the NEA, and/or returning Challenge America applicants. Eligible applicants include: nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3), U.S. organizations; units of state or local government; Federally recognized tribal communities or tribes; and applicants that have not been recommended for funding in any of the three most recent Fiscal Years in the NEA’s Grants for Arts Projects, Our Town, or Research Awards grant programs”
- Award Range: $10,000
- Deadline: April 24, 2025 at 10:59pm
- National Endowment for the Arts - Notice of Funding Opportunity: FY 26 Challenge America
- Local Governments
- City of Aurora - One Aurora Neighborhood Empowerment Grant Program
- Description: “This program provides one-time funding to assist residents with reimbursement for projects such as paint, window, and door screen repair, siding repairs, general landscaping, fencing improvements, and small repairs that affect the exterior presentation of the home.”
- Award Range: up to $1,000
- Deadline: “…on a rolling basis until funds are depleted through December 31, 2025”
- City of Aurora - One Aurora Neighborhood Empowerment Grant Program
- City of Chicago - 2025 CityArts Program
- Description: “Chicago arts and culture nonprofits of all sizes and artistic disciplines can apply for CityArts general operating grants.”
- Award Range: up to $50,000 but depends on the entity’s annual revenue
- Deadline: April 4, 2025 at noon
- City of Chicago - 2025 CityArts Program
- City of Rockford’s Commercial Corridor Property Revitalization Program
- Description: “The City of Rockford’s Commercial Corridor Property Revitalization Program offers forgivable loans to business and property owners who make investment in commercial and industrial spaces in specific corridors in Rockford. The Program offers to cover 75% of project costs up to $25,000 to assist property owners and/or tenants make building improvements. Ideal projects add value, extend the longevity of the qualifying properties, and make substantial or aesthetic improvements to the property.” This is a “… first-come first-serve basis (for approved projects)…”
- Funding Range: up to $25,000
- Deadline: June 20, 2025 (or until funds run out – whichever comes first)
- City of Rockford’s Commercial Corridor Property Revitalization Program
- City of Joliet – Request for Proposal Leasing Opportunity
- Description: “…seeking an experienced restauranteur or hospitality professional to establish a family-friendly business at this prime downtown location (50 E. Jefferson Street).” Open to those outside Joliet as well as long as they meet the criteria.
- Deadline: April 18, 2025, at 11:59 p.m
- City of Joliet – Request for Proposal Leasing Opportunity
- City of Peoria Neighborhood Mini-Grant Program
- Description: “The Neighborhood Mini-Grant Program provides neighborhood and homeowner associations (HOAs) with grants to improve their neighborhoods.”
- Award Range: “First-time applicants may apply for grants up to $5,000 and returning applicants can apply for grants up to $2,500.”
- Deadline: April 4, 2025
- City of Peoria Neighborhood Mini-Grant Program
- Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability’s (DES) free Businesses Reducing Impact on the Environment (BRITE) program
- Description: Open to businesses in suburban Cook County who have 500 or less employees, were negatively impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, were in operation prior to January 1, 2020 and are in the following industries:
- Dry cleaning facility
- Auto body or auto repair shop
- Metal finisher
- Metal fabricator
- Food and beverage manufacturer
- Award Range: up to $300,000 (please note, “To receive a BRITE grant, small businesses must complete the interest survey by DES or must have had a similar environmental assessment conducted by a DES partner or third party.)
- Description: Open to businesses in suburban Cook County who have 500 or less employees, were negatively impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, were in operation prior to January 1, 2020 and are in the following industries:
- Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability’s (DES) free Businesses Reducing Impact on the Environment (BRITE) program
- County of DuPage – Small Agency Grant Program (Round 2)
- Description: “the DuPage County Board allocated $1,050,000 for "Round 2" of the Small Agency Grant Program. The Program will provide grants to small 501(c)(3) agencies located in DuPage County.”
- Award Range: $5,000 - $30,000
- Deadline: April 4, 2025
- County of DuPage – Small Agency Grant Program (Round 2)
- Jo Daviess County Small Business Development Grant
- Description: “Eligible applicants include any [Jo Daviess County]-based or to be based private sector small business retailer, manufacturer, service provider, wholesaler, those in the hospitality industry, along with farmers and food processors.”
- Award Range: up to $25,000
- Deadline: May 30, 2025
- Jo Daviess County Small Business Development Grant
- Village of Gurnee – Impact Grant
- Description: “This is a 1:1 matching grant open to a business of any size located within the Village of Gurnee corporate limits, generate sales tax, in good standing with the Village and compliant with all obligations, & a building owner of a qualifying business. No minimum project size with a rolling application period.”
- Award Range: $10,000 - $20,000
- Village of Gurnee – Impact Grant
- Private/Community Resources
- Small Certified Supplier Innovative Finance Program
- Description: Open to certified minority-, women-, veteran-, and LGBTQ+ owned businesses (certified by national or state organizations) in the following states California, Georgia, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey. The annual revenue of the business should be between $250,000 to $10 million.
- Award Range: $5,000
- Small Certified Supplier Innovative Finance Program
- Request for Proposals: Obama Foundation - Non-Profit Due Diligence Research Contractor
- Description: “The Barack Obama Foundation is seeking proposals from a vendor specializing in due diligence research of small, community based non-for profit organizations in the United States and around the world.”
- Request for Proposals: Obama Foundation - Non-Profit Due Diligence Research Contractor
- National Grassroots Organizing Program (NGO) from Ben & Jerry’s Foundation
- Description: “The National Grassroots Organizing Program (NGO) offers two-year unrestricted, general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year, with an average grant size of $20,000 per year, to small (budgets under $350,000), constituent-led grassroots organizations throughout the United States and its territories.” Organizations must be a nonprofit, 501(c)3 or have a fiscal sponsor.
- Award Range: up to $30,000 per year
- National Grassroots Organizing Program (NGO) from Ben & Jerry’s Foundation
- Rapid Response Fund – Chicago Foundation for Women
- Description: “The Rapid Response Fund grants are intended to support grassroots, community solutions and approaches through a variety of advocacy strategies that will protect women, girls and gender expansive people and their families and advance policies and interventions that center communities during this time of uncertainty and attacks against fundamental rights. The grant will support the unexpected or unbudgeted costs associated with community work and advocacy during a time of crisis and unpredictable change.” Open to 501(c)3 nonprofits who operate in the Chicagoland area (including the city and collar counties and in some cases statewide).
- Award Range: $1,000 to $5,000
- Deadline: rolling until funds are exhausted
- Rapid Response Fund – Chicago Foundation for Women
- Local Data for Equitable Communities grant program - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Description: “This call for proposals (CFP) invites eligible nonprofit organizations in the U.S. to apply for a grant to collect, analyze, and use data to address inequities in the physical, economic, and social conditions of a place. Improving these conditions is key to achieving health equity where health is no longer a privilege, but a right.” Open nationwide to 501(c)3 nonprofits.
- Award Range: $50,000
- Deadline: March 18, 2025 at 2:00pm
- Local Data for Equitable Communities grant program - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color
- Description: “Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color supports folklife and traditional arts rooted in communities of color by investing in artists/practitioners and the community organizations that care for them. It is a national funding program managed by the six U.S. regional arts organizations (RAOs).”
- Eligibility:
- “Community organizations and collectives that support folklife in communities of color, including non-profits, local and Tribal governments, businesses, and more”
- “Traditional artists, practitioners, and keepers of traditional knowledge that show a deep commitment to sustaining folklife rooted in communities of color”
- See their website for more details.
- Eligibility:
- Award Range: $15,000 for traditional artists/practitioners and $50,000 for community organizations
- Deadline: March 19, 10:59pm
- Description: “Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color supports folklife and traditional arts rooted in communities of color by investing in artists/practitioners and the community organizations that care for them. It is a national funding program managed by the six U.S. regional arts organizations (RAOs).”
- Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color
- REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR Design/Build - Professional Landscaping of Formal Pool
- Description: “The Chicago Zoological Society (CZS) - Brookfield Zoo Chicago (BZC) is soliciting proposals to provide Certified Professional Landscaping design/build services surrounding the Formal Pool located at the West end of the Zoo.”
- Deadline: March 21, 2025 at 4:00pm
- REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR Design/Build - Professional Landscaping of Formal Pool
- Workforce Innovations Grant – National Alliance to End Homelessness
- Description: “…the National Alliance to End Homelessness (Alliance) is offering a new opportunity to encourage small-scale innovation… Eligible activities include any that support the recruitment, promotion/advancement, and retention of high-quality homeless services staff…”
- Award Range: up to $50,000
- Deadline: March 28, 2025
- Workforce Innovations Grant – National Alliance to End Homelessness
- Description: “The ComEd Green Region Grant was created in 2013 to support open space projects in Northern Illinois.” “Eligible applicants are non-profit organizations, schools, school districts, housing authorities, townships, counties, park districts, conservation districts, forest preserve districts, and municipalities-including municipal entities, such as water reclamation districts-within ComEd’s service territory…” “Eligible applicants are nonprofit arts and cultural institutions that are located within ComEd’s service territory, and must be in good standing with ComEd related to provision of utilities.”
- Award Range: up to $10,000
- Deadline: March 28, 2025 at 5:00pm
- ComEd Powering the Arts Program
- Description: “Recognizing that access to art is crucial to the quality of our lives, ComEd has partnered with the League of Chicago Theatres to support cultural institutions in northern Illinois in their efforts to reach new and diverse audiences. The ComEd Powering the Arts program has been designed to assist local institutions in these efforts by providing funding for some expenses toward these goals.”
- Award Range: up to $10,000
- Deadline: March 28, 2025 at 5:00pm
- ComEd Powering the Arts Program
- ComEd Powering Safe Communities Grant Program
- Description: “The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus is proud to partner with ComEd to administer the Powering Safe Communities program…for local public safety and electrification projects.”
- Award Range: up to $10,000
- Deadline: March 28, 2025 at 5:00pm
- ComEd Powering Safe Communities Grant Program
- Faire Small Business Grant Program 2025
- Description: “…small business grant program gives select new stores $5,000 to use on Faire to stock their shelves with amazing products.” “The grant is open to independent retail stores who are based in the US, and started their business in the last year, or plan to open this year.”
- Award Range: $5,000 credit
- Deadline: March 31, 2025
- Faire Small Business Grant Program 2025
- Midland States Bank Foundation “grants to non-profit organizations and community-focused initiatives”
- Description: “…offer grants to non-profit organizations and initiatives that align with [their] key focus areas: education, work force development, financial empowerment, housing, small business development and health & wellness”. Open to nonprofits, 501(c)3 or 501(c)(6), in Midland geographic footprint.
- Award Range: $7,500 - $25,000
- Deadline: March 31, 2025
- Midland States Bank Foundation “grants to non-profit organizations and community-focused initiatives”
- Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley - Discretionary Grantmaking Program
- Description: “The discretionary grantmaking program supports the work of nonprofits within our service area (Kane and Kendall counties) in the following designated charitable categories: Arts and Humanities, Education, Health Care, and Social Services.”
- Award Range: $2,500 - $20,000
- Deadline: March 31, 2025 (letter of intent due)
- Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley - Discretionary Grantmaking Program
- Rx Foundation – Building Capacity for Health Advocacy
- Description: “This grant program is open to 501(c)(3) nonprofits, or organizations with a suitable fiscal sponsor, anywhere in the United States. Grants will be awarded for up to five years in the amount of $150,000 annually.”
- Award Range: $150,000 annually up to five years
- Deadline: March 31, 2025 at 4pm
- Rx Foundation – Building Capacity for Health Advocacy
- Microsoft Community Empowerment Grant
- Description: “The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley is thrilled to announce that we are collaborating with Microsoft’s Datacenter Community Affairs team to implement the Microsoft Community Empowerment Grant for local non-profit organizations connected to Plano, IL, and surrounding communities. This project aims to increase STEAM and digital skill opportunities for children and youth, support activities focused on environmental conservation, and address community needs, such as food insecurity.” Open to nonprofits in Plano, IL and surrounding communities.
- Award Range: $1,000 - $10,000
- Deadline: April 1, 2025
- Microsoft Community Empowerment Grant
- Honeycomb Credit – Breakthrough Grant
- Description: “Open to all small business owners. You can use the funds to expand your product line, move to a new space, purchase new equipment, or anything else that will help you breakthrough in 2025!”
- Award Range: $10,000
- Deadline: April 2, 2025
- Honeycomb Credit – Breakthrough Grant
- Small Business Growth Initiative
- Description: “[Lake County Community Foundation] LCCF’s Small Business Growth Initiative (SBGI) grant program is looking for 19 small businesses in Waukegan and North Chicago who want to grow their business and will commit to a 4-month learning cohort.”
- Award Range: $30,000
- Deadline: April 11, 2025 at 11:59pm
- Small Business Growth Initiative
- Rémy Martin This is My City Grant Program
- Description: Open to for-profit businesses in Chicago and other select cities. Must be 21 years of age. “Business must have a primary focus in music, visual arts, performance arts, design, creative services, cultural education, other creative/cultural work, or food and beverage.” See website for further criteria.
- Award Range: $20,000
- Deadline: April 11, 2025 at 5:00pm
- Rémy Martin This is My City Grant Program
- NBCUniversal Local Impact Grants
- Description: “Comcast NBCUniversal, NBC and Telemundo owned television stations will fund organizations that are doing work in three specific areas: Youth Education and Empowerment, Next Generation Storytellers and Community Engagement. These grants are general operating grants, and your application will be reviewed based on your overall work and impact in your local community.”
- Award Range: between $100,000 and $1,000,000
- Deadline: April 11, 2025
- NBCUniversal Local Impact Grants
- Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grants
- Description: “The AWAW EAG supports environmental art projects that inspire thought, action, and ethical engagement. Projects should not only point at problems, but aim to engage an environmental issue at some scale. Proposals should illustrate thorough consideration of a project’s ecological and social ethics. Projects that explore interdependence, relationships, and systems through Indigenous and ancestral practices are encouraged to apply.” Open to individuals over the age of 18 who are artist and identify as a “…woman and/or female, including trans women and people of variable gender identities who were designated female at birth. Open nationwide. For complete eligibility, review the application.
- Award Range: up to $20,000
- Deadline: April 15, 2025 at 4:00pm
- Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grants
- 2025 Halstead Grant
- Description: “The Halstead Grant is a business development program and annual award to give new silver jewelry artists a launchpad for success.” Open nationwide.
- Award Range: up to $7,500 plus other benefits
- Deadline: May 1, 2025
- 2025 Halstead Grant
- 5th Annual Black Ambition Prize Competition
- Description: “Black Ambition seeks to support entrepreneurs from backgrounds that have historically been overlooked by venture capital funding. To be eligible to apply, a team must have at least one founding member from such a background, including, but not limited to, backgrounds such as Black/African/African American, Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx, LGBTQ, parents with earned income below the poverty level, first-generation immigrants, first-generation college graduates, and those raised by a single parent. Founders from any background traditionally overlooked in venture capital funding may apply regardless of race.” “Eligible ventures must be growth-ready companies that have not yet raised more than $1M in dilutive funding to date and innovating in: Technology, Healthcare, Consumer Products and/or Services, Media and Entertainment, Artificial Intelligence”
- Award Range: between $20,000 to $100,000, plus support services
- Deadline: May 2, 2025 at 8:00pm
- 5th Annual Black Ambition Prize Competition
- DoorDash Restaurant Disaster Relief
- Description: “…DoorDash has partnered with Hello Alice to create the Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund. The fund supports restaurants impacted by natural disasters, severe weather events, or major infrastructure failures…” Open nationwide to “a restaurant, gastropub or bakery with a brick & mortar location that has experienced a loss in revenue as a direct result of a natural disaster, severe weather event, or major infrastructure failure which occurred within the last 12 months”, been opened at least 6 months, “Own a maximum of three locations, and employ fewer than 50 employees per location”, and “Have revenues of $3M or less per location in the last 12 months.”
- Award Range: $10,000
- Deadline: Spring Round due May 30, 2025 at 5pm
- DoorDash Restaurant Disaster Relief
- Impact Grant – Nonprofit Grant
- Description: “All registered nonprofit organizations in Canada and the USA are encouraged to apply for an IMPACT Grant. In the USA, your organization should hold a 501c3 status, while in Canada, it must be a registered charity recognized by the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency).” “…every organization, regardless of size or sector, has the potential to make a meaningful impact. Our commitment is to facilitate this impact through grants of $1,000, fostering innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility.”
- Award Range: $1,000
- Deadline: May 31, 2025
- Impact Grant – Nonprofit Grant
- Vilcek Foundation (grant to support orgs who support immigrant artists)
- Description: “…invites applications for grants to support nonprofit organizations that work with immigrant artists and communities, and that promote diversity in the arts, sciences, education, and humanities.” Open nationwide and U.S. territories nonprofits with 501(c)3 status.
- Award Range: $5,000 and $20,000
- Deadline: June 30, 2025
- Vilcek Foundation (grant to support orgs who support immigrant artists)