Chamber Staff and Executive Officers:

Maria Pearson
Heritage Woods of Belvidere

Greg Moran
Vice President
General Mills

Tasha Ferguson
First Mid Bank and Trust

Alejandra Solano

Amy Nord
Executive Director
Belvidere Area Chamber of Commerce

Emma Gray
Office Manager
Belvidere Area Chamber of Commerce

Michael Goelitz
Growth Dimensions
Board President
Chamber Board Members:

Jamie Proctor

Dr. Cassandra Shug
Belvidere CUSD #100 Superintendent

Cherie Dollinger
Belvidere Family YMCA

Becky Tobin
Boone County Administration

Thana Reemtsma
Byron Bank

Gina DelRose
City of Belvidere

Dr. Derek Prado
Wellness Tree Family Chiropractic

Andy Trefonas
DFA Dairy Brands

Pamela Lopez-Fettes
Growth Dimensions

Bryan Heidemann
Coyle Kiley

Karen Manley Kahler
Hamblock Ford

Paul Zeien, Jr.
Illinois Wool & Fiber Mill

Nico Reza
Nico's Landscaping

Dr. Michael Greenlee
North Boone CUSD #200 Superintendent

Shari Snyder
Solutions Bank

Natalie Hyser Barber
Tobin, Ramon & Barber

Mike Bennett

Deb Yunk
UW Health

Owen Costanza
Village of Poplar Grove

Butch Rosecke
Mr. Goodwater